Student Membership is open to students from Body Psychotherapy Training Institutes.
It is for a period of 5 years. It is also open to students from the social science faculties – psychology and medicine, social workers with an age limit of 28.


● Receive all PESOPS information

● Receive all EABP information including the quarterly eNews

● Can receive student prices for EABP congresses

● Can get print subscriptions for the International Body Psychotherapy Journal and the Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy at a reduced rate

● Student Members are welcome to attend the General Assemblies of PESOPS but are not entitled to vote or stand for election

● Student Members are welcome to attend the biannual General Assembly of EABP at their own cost but are not entitled to vote or stand for election

● They can participate in Working Groups of PESOPS

If you are interested in joining us, please fill in the Student Membership application form and send it with the appropriate documentation that prove your student status to the PESOPS Secretariat.
When your fee has been paid your membership becomes valid.

MEMBERSHIP FEE: 30€ per year

Last Review, January 2019