EABP Full Membership signifies accreditation as a Certified Body Psychotherapist.

Full Individual Membership is open to people who have completed a training in Body Psychotherapy and are working as Body Psychotherapists.


They must have fulfilled all the Full Membership Criteria.

The criteria that have to be fulfilled for the EABP Full Membership include pre-education, quality and quantity of training, personal psychotherapy, supervision and professional practice.


➲ Pre-education

The applicant’s pre-education should be either a university degree or relevant level of professional education in the field of humanities.
Relevant life experience or professional experience in other fields can be acknowledged as an equivalent. The description of pre-education should be included in the curriculum vitae as a part of the applicant’s documentation.

➲ Training

Training should be completed at an established training institute accredited by The FORUM of Body-Psychotherapy OrganizationsOrganisations. Training at other Body Psychotherapy training institutes will also be acknowledged as long as these institutes are well-known to EABP or the applicant can supply convincing description, documentation and recommendations concerning these training institutes.

The required amount of training includes at least 600 hours of professional training as a psychotherapist over a period of at least four years, of which at least 400 hours concern training in Body-Psychotherapy.

If these criteria have not been sufficiently fulfilled, other documented forms of training and education that demonstrate the effort made for professional development can be acknowledged as an equivalent.

➲ Personal Psychotherapy

At least 150 hours of ongoing individual or group Body-Psychotherapy are required.

At least 100 hours should be individual one-to-one sessions; ideally the therapist should not be the trainer. One three-hour session of group work is counted equal to one hour of individual psychotherapy.

If these criteria have not been sufficiently fulfilled, documented psychotherapy in other methods can be acknowledged as an equivalent.

➲ Supervision

At least 75 hours of professional supervision by a Body Psychotherapist in either an individual or group context. One three-hour session of group supervision (more than three people) is counted equal to one hour of individual supervision.

If these criteria have not been sufficiently fulfilled, documented supervision in other methods can be acknowledged as an equivalent.

➲ Professional Practice

At least 400 hours of professional practice as a Body-Psychotherapist over a period of at least two years.

If these criteria have not been sufficiently fulfilled, other professional experience in connected fields can be acknowledged as an equivalent on base of appropriate documentation.

The required hours of personal psychotherapy, supervision and professional practice may have been integrated parts of the training program or may have been fulfilled outside, before or after the training.


Letters of recommendation from two EABP members.

NB: Graduates of accredited FORUM Training Institutes may automatically become full members of the PESOPS – EABP on applying to the secretary of PESOPS.


The application must be accompanied from the following documentation:

● FORUM Training Institute Certificate and one letter from the Training Institute confirming the certification and the professional practice

● Documentation of Professional Practice after training: At least 400 hours of supervised professional practice as a body-psychotherapist over a period of at least two years

● A curriculum vitae


● Receive a Certificate of Accreditation valid for a two year period

● Name and address published in the PESOPS and EABP websites Register of Body Psychotherapists

● Access to their own public profile on the website of EABP, where they can update changes in personal details, a photo, biography and curriculum vitae

● Access to the Intranet (Members pages) and discussion groups on the website of EABP

● Receive all PESOPS information

● Receive all EABP information including the quarterly eNews

● Can get print subscriptions for the International Body Psychotherapy Journal and the Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy at a reduced rate

● Can receive reduced prices for EABP and USABP congresses

● Access to the resources of the Ethics Committee of PESOPS and EABP

● Can exercise a vote in the General Assemblies of PESOPS and EABP, or can vote by postal or proxy voting

● Can stand for election for the Board and Committees of PESOPS and EABP

● Your membership in PESOPS – EABP can be recommended for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) since PESOPS is Member of NOPG which is the representative of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy) in Greece

If you are interested in joining us, then please check that you have fulfilled the Full Membership criteria, complete the application form and send it with the appropriate documentation to the PESOPS Secretariat.
When your fee has been paid your membership becomes valid and you will be sent a Membership Certificate valid for two years.

NB: Graduates of EABP FORUM Training Institutes please use the application form for this purpose.

MEMBERSHIP FEE: 120€ per year

Last Review, January 2019